The Town is working with partners to prepare for an anticipated hike in off-campus celebrations this weekend. Click here for full details and for a list of who to call for assistance.
Community Resources Directory
Whether you’re interested in getting on the ice or getting involved in your community, Wolfville offers a wide range of clubs and organizations. Service clubs include Rotary, Lions, and the Royal Canadian Legion. In addition, there are several clubs and organizations serving the needs of children and seniors.
When it comes to sports, Wolfville has a variety of clubs to consider, including soccer, basketball, volleyball, minor hockey, tennis, badminton, handball, curling, lawn bowling, elite and entry level swimming, chess, and cycling.
ASIA develops and provides arts-based educational and recreation programs for children, teens and adults with special needs and their peers as well as for whole communities who are interested in practical, fun, safe ways of being actively inclusive. Jam Dance is a social mixing program that brings people of all ages and abilities together with local musicians to engage in musical physical creative play indoors or outdoors.
Autism Nova Scotia is a community-based organization that builds understanding, acceptance, and inclusion for Autistics/individuals on the autism spectrum and their families through leadership, advocacy, education, training and programming across the lifespan.
The Evangeline Artists Cooperative is an organization providing local artists mentorship, camaraderie and opportunities to learn. The group sponsors art shows and participates in exhibitions.
The Fezziwig Society is a community theatre group in Wolfville, Nova Scotia that produces a yearly production in early December in time for the beginning of the Christmas season.

“The oven”, as it’s fondly called, is a warm and inviting community space for people to cook, eat, and connect together in the park. From free community events, to slow food cooking workshops, to co-cooking events that bring people together to connect, the oven is a place for all to meet, connect, and build deep relationships with each other and the land. The Front Street Community Oven Society is a not-for-profit social enterprise located at:
Robie Tuft’s Nature Centre, 160 Front Street, Wolfville, Nova Scotia
(The grassy area between the Wolfville Library and the NSLC)
Our Mantra
We are all connected
Our Vision
A community where everyone finds belonging
Our Mission
Our mission is to create a joyful space to cook together, eat together, and share stories. Through the magic of food and fire we re-imagine what it is to connect to each other and the land.
The Kings County Family Resource Centre is a non-profit , charitable organization that has been operating since 1989. All of our programs on and off site throughout Kings County are free of charge. We offer over 20 programs that are either parent-child interactive, parent/grandparent/caregiver programs and child programs. The Parenting Journey Home Visitor and Family Home Child Care Agency operate out of our central location at 4 Calkin Dr, in the Coldbrook Industrial Park.
L'ARCHE Homefires was established in Wolfville in 1981, when John MacNeil, Keith Strong, and Debra and Jeff Moore began to share life together. What began with one family is now a thriving community serving people with disabilities in five homes, an independent Living Support Program, and three day programs. Community members live together in mutually supportive relationships and are an active force in society, participating in every aspect of life - employment, local theatre, church, farmer's markets, service clubs and local politics.
L'ARCHE Homefires is about providing a caring place to live and work, It's also about:
Giving people with disabilities a meaningful daily existence and the dignity and self-worth that comes with doing a good job;
Taking care of people in their retirement, to develop a sense of respect and belonging;
Supporting our aging members and enabling their gifts to continue to be shared with all;
Providing meaningful work to new high school graduates and to those who, because of their disabilities, require extra support.
Video Improv is a creative group activity for people who are interested in acting and movie making. Activities can be tailored for all ages and abilities.
Peaceful and serene, Old Willow Bank Cemetery contains the remains of many of the oldest inhabitants from this area. Only the now closed Old Burying Ground is older.
The 13-acre cemetery on Gaspereau Avenue was started in 1882.
Willow Bank Cemetery was begun over a decade before the town was incorporated. It was set up by a number of the town fathers on nine acres of land donated by J.W. Barss and then increased in size.
The cemetery was incorporated in 1916 and then again in 1923 due to changes in the act. From Wolfville’s civic history called ‘Mud Creek’, which was collected back in 1980, the citizens of Wolfville believe: A cemetery is made up of people and their relationships to one another, and each gravestone in a cemetery has a story.
A cemetery is made up of people and their relationships to one another, and each gravestone in a cemetery has a story.
Many local residents seek out family genealogy and look for the headstones of their ancestors in Willow Bank Cemetery. The site also provides a much beloved passive recreation spot or greenspace.
Interest has also been growing in green burials, which are a kind of return to age-old practices. Willow Bank records include three such burials in recent history.
Anyone with questions is welcome to call or email chair Wendy Elliott at 902-542-2533 or email
Contact the treasurer Diana Morine at 902-542-3831.
Roy Duncan 902 300 7736 can be contacted for lot sales, burials and maintenance.
To search the graves listings, please click this link for a third-party database.
The Wolfville Business Development Corporation (WBDC) Is an independent non-profit organization providing development opportunities for the local Wolfville business community of over 150 members. Representing the interests within the Town and local community for over 40 years!
The Women of Wolfville began 20 years ago producing The Vagina Monologues. We have a history of doing theatre to raise funds for good causes. The women link together on stage and off. Our planned performance in March 2020 was stalled by a pandemic, but we look forward to “treading the boards” again soon. Women of Wolfville also acts as a community bulletin board around women's issues and events.