The Town is working with partners to prepare for an anticipated hike in off-campus celebrations this weekend. Click here for full details and for a list of who to call for assistance.
Animal Control
The health and well-being of our pets and the safety of our citizens are of the utmost concern in Wolfville. Animal Control is a regional service that is dispatched when appropriate.
As of July 1st, 2016, the Town of Wolfville has changed service providers for the dog control services and impound facilities to the Nova Scotia S.P.C.A. The S.P.C.A will be available by telephone, between 08:00 a.m. and 04:30 p.m., Monday to Friday for dog control occurrences. Please call the S.P.C.A. at (888)-703-7722 or email For after-hour emergency calls related to fierce, dangerous or injured dogs , please report to the Nova Scotia S.P.C.A. at 1-902-417-1958.
It is also important for the well-being of our pets that they be registered and tagged! The Annual Dog registration and dog tag can be obtained, in person only, by visiting the Town of Wolfville at the Town Hall located at 359 Main Street, Wolfville.
Annual Dog Registration Fee:
- Every Owner of a dog shall pay to the Town an annual registration fee.
- The Owner shall pay the registration fee before January 31st of each year or within thirty (30) days of becoming an Owner.
- If a person becomes owner of a dog during the year, the owner shall pay a pro-rated dog registration fee based on the number of full months remaining in the calendar year.
- The Town Council may set by policy, from time to time during the annual budgeting process, the amount of the annual registration fee payable until varied by further policy. Council may impose a larger fee for unspayed or unneutered dogs than for spayed or neutered dogs.
- The owner of a kennel of purebred dogs that are registered with the Canadian Kennel Club, may, in any year, pay a fee set by Council, by policy, as a tax upon the kennel for that year. Upon payment of that amount, the kennel is exempt from any further fee regarding the dogs for that year.
- A Guide Dog is exempt from any registration fee.
Registration and Dog Tag
- The Town shall register each dog when the registration fee is paid, recording the following information: Registration date, Registration number, Name and breed of dog, Description of dog, including whether the dog is female or male and whether the dog is spayed or not or neutered or not, Name of Owner and civic and mailing address and telephone number of Owner.
- The Town shall supply to each Owner of a registered dog a metal tag stamped with the number and year of registration.
- The Owner of every dog shall keep on the dog a collar with the dog tag issued for that dog securely affixed to the collar at all times.
- If an Owner files with the Town a written confirmation that the dog tag has been lost or destroyed and pays a replacement fee, in the amount set by policy, the Town shall provide a replacement dog tag.
- Each Owner of a dog shall deliver to the Town a written statement of the number of dogs owned or harboured by the Owner or which are kept on the premises occupied by the Owner, if the Town requires the Owner to do so.
- The Owner shall provide this written Statement within ten (10) days of receiving the written notice requiring the Owner to provide it.