The Town is working with partners to prepare for an anticipated hike in off-campus celebrations this weekend. Click here for full details and for a list of who to call for assistance.
Snow Removal
In times of winter weather, Wolfville Public Works crew work to keep the streets and sidewalks in our town free from snow and ice for the protection of all citizens. The Town of Wolfville encourages both citizens and businesses to plan ahead when snow and ice are in the forecast to keep your vehicles off the street in compliance with the winter parking ban. This will improve conditions for everyone's safety and will help Wolfville to meet service delivery standards for snow removal.
The priorities and service delivery standards are set by the Town's Snow and Ice Removal Policy (310-004) and Standard Operating Procedures (310-801). Before contacting the Town, residents are encouraged to read and understand the priorities, service levels, and expected timeframes for streets and sidewalks of their concern. If clearing efforts are still within the timelines, residents are asked not to contact the Department as special requests are not able to be accommodated.
Please click here for all the details on our winter parking regulations.