The Town is working with partners to prepare for an anticipated hike in off-campus celebrations this weekend. Click here for full details and for a list of who to call for assistance.
The Kings District RCMP Wolfville detachment provides policing services to all citizens of Wolfville. Our office is located next to the Town Hall on Main Street in Wolfville.
The RCMP in Wolfville pledge to:
- uphold the principles of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms;
- provide a professional standard of service;
- ensure all policing services are provided courteously and impartially;
- work with the community to prevent or resolve problems that affect the community's safety and quality of life;
- act within the Canadian Justice system to address community problems;
- treat all people equally and with respect and, most importantly, to Serve and Protect the community of Wolfville.
For all emergencies, please dial 911.