The Town is working with partners to prepare for an anticipated hike in off-campus celebrations this weekend. Click here for full details and for a list of who to call for assistance.
Planning Applications
From long-term planning and development policy to climate action, fire and life safety inspections, the Planning Department is responsible for the livability and sustainability of Wolfville.
In both our residential neighbourhoods and in our vibrant downtown core, planning keeps our community functioning.
Planning staff work to ensure all members of the community are involved and represented in decision-making processes. We work to build a consensus on how the Town should grow and our new Municipal Planning Strategy and Land Use Bylaw, adopted in 2020, is a product of extensive engagement with community members that was used to establish the long-term vision for the future of Wolfville.
The Planning Department is responsible for long-term planning and policy, economic development, land use and development control, building and fire inspections. The department issues building and development permits and manages dangerous and unsightly administration. The department also oversees the registration of heritage properties.
Building and Development Permits
A development permit is required for any construction, alteration, replacement, relocation or addition to any structure and any change or alteration in the use of land, buildings, or structures.
A building permit may or may not be required.
To apply for a building/development permit please complete the application form and submit, along with the required fees, to the Planning Department.
Development agreement or land use bylaw amendment process
A completed application form along with the fees and required plans is received by the Planning Department. Click here to download the application form.
Public Information Meeting
A Public Information Meeting will be scheduled where the applicant, in consultation with Planning staff, will present the proposal to the public.
Application Review
Staff will review the application and the comments made at the public information meeting and determine if the application is major or minor as described below:
Major Application – Example | Minor Application – Example |
Significant community concern is identified at the PIM. | No significant community concern identified. |
Is of an industrial or large scale commercial nature. | Deals with home occupations. |
Involves the creation of new streets or more than 5 new lots. | Small additions to properties within Architectural Guideline areas. |
Is concurrent with a major plan amendment. | |
Alternative Dispute Resolution (Major Applications Only)
For major applications that garner significant public concern, an alternative dispute resolution (ADR) process would be encouraged; however it would be a voluntary process undertaken at the request of the Town. The cooperation of the developer is required and the intent of the ADR process is to find a solution that all can live with before the application is reviewed and decided upon by Council.
Design Review Committee
If the application falls within the architectural control areas of Town staff may require that the application be reviewed by the Design Review Committee.
Staff Report
Planning staff will prepare a staff report which outlines the proposal; identifies issues and public concerns; and provides a recommendation to the Planning Advisory Committee.
Planning Advisory Committee (PAC)
The PAC will review the staff report and forward a recommendation to Council.
Initial Consideration / First Reading
Council will review the application and set a time for the Public Hearing.
Public Hearing
The public has an opportunity to voice their concerns or provide comment to Council regarding the proposal.
Second Reading and Council Decision
Council will give their decision.
Appeal Period
Council’s decision may be appealed to the Utility and Review Board within 14 days of the Notice of Passing being published in the local newspaper.