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Winter parking regulations are now being enforced. Click here for details, including towing company contact info. 

Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy

Access to Town Information

Access to Town records is guided by two documents, Policy#120-110 Routine Access Policy (see link on page) and the Municipal Government Act which includes a section on Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy (Part XX).  Please refer to the Routine Access Policy first to find out what records are available without having to go through the more formal application process.

The Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FOIPOP) provides access to most records under the control of the provincial government, while protecting the privacy of individuals who do not want their personal information made public. The Act strives for balance between an individual’s right to know and an individual’s right to privacy.  The province has included a section in the Municipal Government Act (MGA) Part XX to address freedom of information and protection of privacy as it relates to the functioning of municipal governments. 

The Act supports the belief that every document, record or file held by the government, regardless of format, is subject to release to the general public. Specific and limited exemptions from disclosure are provided for in the Act to protect against the unreasonable invasion of personal privacy; to prevent unfair advantages occurring in commercial or government transactions; to protect law enforcement activities; and to safeguard the business conducted by government. A person may obtain information, providing the information requested is not exempted by the Act.

A person or organization may submit an Application for Access to Information as follows:

  • The request is to be made in writing by completing the Application for Access to a Record Form 1– (see link on this page).  
  • The Application form must be submitted to the Town to the Attention of the Privacy Officer.  Currently Laura Morrison, Town Clerk and Manager of Administration, is designated the Town’s Privacy Officer.
  • There is a $5 fee that must accompany any Application.  The legislation allows for charging additional fees depending on circumstances and the estimated time needed to respond to the Application.