The Town is working with partners to prepare for an anticipated hike in off-campus celebrations this weekend. Click here for full details and for a list of who to call for assistance.
Rates and Finances
The Town of Wolfville issues property tax bills twice a year. The tax year covers the fiscal period of April 1st to March 31st. The first interim tax bill is sent out the end of April and is due the end of May. The second and final bill is sent out in in August and is due the end of September. Overdue bills shall incur a monthly interest charge of 1.00%.
Tax Calculation: Taxes are based on the taxable assessed value of the property multiplied by the tax rate. In addition, the Town levies a Fire Protection Rate on all town properties. This rate is usually set in July.
There is also a Business Development Area Rate that is assessed on all taxable commercial assessments. Council currently, under the terms of an agreement with the Wolfville Business Development Corporation (WBDC), allocates the revenue generated from the area rate as a grant to the WBDC in accordance with current Policy.
Assessed Value
The taxable assessed value is determined by Property Valuation Services Corporation (PVSC). They are a not-for-profit organization responsible for assessing all properties in Nova Scotia as mandated under the Nova Scotia Assessment Act. You should receive an assessment notice from PVSC every January. You have the option to appeal your assessment. Please remember your appeal must be received at the PVSC office within 21 days of the date of service on your notice. Simply follow the instructions on your assessment notice. Please note that only your market value assessment can be appealed. If you have questions regarding your assessment value, please visit the PVSC website or contact them at 1-800-380-7775.
Council determines the property tax rate each year during the annual budget approval process.
Wolfville's Council has approved an operating budget totaling $15 million for the fiscal year 2024/25, with a capital investment plan of $5.6 million.
The approved budget includes a decrease of $0.0095 cents to the residential rate bringing it to $1.4655 per $100 of assessment, commercial rate will decrease by $0.0095 cents per $100 of assessment resulting in a commercial tax rate of $3.5655, a decrease of $0.02 cents in the business development area rate to $0.23, and a decrease in the fire protection area rate of $0.0045 bringing it to $0.0555.
2024-25 Tax Rates (per $100 of Assessment)
Residential: $1.4655
Commercial: $3.5655
Fire Protection Rate: $0.0555
Business Development Area Rate: $0.23