The Town is working with partners to prepare for an anticipated hike in off-campus celebrations this weekend. Click here for full details and for a list of who to call for assistance.
Municipal Plans, Projects, and Reports
The Wolfville Municipal Planning Strategy (MPS) is Council’s principal guide for decisions on land use and development matters within the Town and is critical to the municipality’s long-term strategic direction. The MPS serves as a guide for residents and interested citizens, in particular for those engaged in residential or commercial development, to gain a more thorough understanding of the Town’s growth management approach.
The Land Use Bylaw, Design Guidelines (within the Land Use Bylaw) and Subdivision Bylaw are the companion documents to the MPS and are the means by which Town Council will carry out the intent of the MPS, as set out in the Municipal Government Act.
For up to date details on individual Town Projects, please visit Wolfville Blooms.