The Town is working with partners to prepare for an anticipated hike in off-campus celebrations this weekend. Click here for full details and for a list of who to call for assistance.
Town Departments
Wolfville is your town, your community, and our vibrant character is proof of what a community can achieve when we take care of what matters most to us.
Town staff are tasked with carrying out the operational work of the Wolfville as outlined in our Operational Plan.
The Operational Plan is intended to provide a four-year snapshot of projects and initiatives that will be undertaken by the Town, in addition to the many core services and day-to-day operations.
Year 1 activities are typically more definitive and detailed, while Years 2-4 initiatives are less defined in many cases and may be awaiting further study and information to fully populate. However, all efforts have been made to provide as much detail as possible for those years beyond 2023-24 so that Council, staff and the public have an understanding of work that is likely to be undertaken and where
efforts will be focused.