The Town is working with partners to prepare for an anticipated hike in off-campus celebrations this weekend. Click here for full details and for a list of who to call for assistance.
Waste and Recycling
Garbage, Recycling & Compost Collection
Wolfville’s garbage, recycling and compost collection is provided by Valley Waste Resource Management. Every resident should have access to a green bin for compost and must sort their waste by plastic, paper, compost and garbage. For information on the proper way to sort your waste click here.
For General Inquiries:
Telephone (902) 679-1325 1-877-927-8300
Fax (902) 679-1327
Curbside Collection
You can put out a maximum of eight bags per collection. All eight of those bags can be recycling, but you are limited to four bags for garbage. Collection day is once every two weeks.
Note: All items must be roadside between 6:00am and 8:00am on collection day.
For your collection day, holiday schedules, fall and spring clean ups and more please click here.
As an active construction site, no public access is permitted.
Valley Waste Resource Management
The Valley Region Solid Waste-Resource Management Authority is a body corporate formed under an Inter-Municipal Services Agreement encompassing the Municipality of Annapolis County, the Municipality of the County of Kings, and the Towns of Berwick, Bridgetown, Hantsport, Kentville, Middleton and Wolfville.
The Authority is a legally-formed body comprised of representatives from each of the eight participating municipal units and meets on a monthly basis to discuss issues and provide a basis on which staff manages the business of the authority.
For more information about Valley Waste Resource Management visit their website at