Earth Day Celebration
Help us address the biodiversity and climate crisis and have some fun in Reservoir Park.
Join us to plant trees, paint birds and build bird houses!
Tree planting in the Park:
- Form a 2 - 3 person team.
- Bring a wagon or a wheelbarrow (trees are 4 - 10 feet in height).
- Give your team a name and make a sign for your wagon/wheelbarrow.
- Gather at 1:30pm for a parade.
Bird Painting:
Small wooden birds wait for paint and creativity at our bird painting table. You can take them home or perch them on our newly painted trees.
Bird House Contest:
Design guidelines - no plastics, no painted, pressure treated or plywood, no perches, generous roof overhangs, a few drainage holes, try to make a provision for mounting flat against a tree.