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Town Hall will close today, Friday, February 21, at 2pm. Sorry for any inconvenience.

Join the Active Transportation Working Group

Active Transportation Working Group Call for Expressions of Interest

The Town of Wolfville is forming an Active Transportation Working Group to make sure our future Active Transportation Network meets the needs of our community.

Working Group members will work with Town staff and consultants as our Active Transportation Network is built. Working Group members will be required to attend regular Working Group meetings, to review documents and attend related events.

We are now seeking expressions of interest from community members who would like to join the Working Group. You should have an interest in active transportation, as well as an interest in working collaboratively with other community members, and an interest in working with the Town on this exciting project.

Your expression of interest should include an introduction of yourself (2-3 sentences), a description of your relevant skills, lived experience and your relationship to Wolfville (1-2 paragraphs). 

Working Group goals include: 

  • Working with Staff and the consultant to review detailed drawings (including hard infrastructure and wayfinding/branding),
  • Support Staff by socializing the network among community members using educational materials and championing the work and,
  • Support Staff with public engagement work.

The Town of Wolfville welcomes expressions of interest from Black, racialized and Indigenous Peoples, 2SLGBTQ+, newcomers to Canada, and People with Disabilities. If you are a member of a group that has been historically excluded from opportunities, we encourage you to self-identify in your expression of interest and to share your pronouns.

If you require any accommodation to support submitting your application or navigating the process, please reach out to Barb Shaw at Please also feel welcome to start a conversation about this opportunity at any time.

Expressions of interest will be accepted until January 3rd, 2024. Please submit your expression of interest by emailing Director of Planning and Economic Development, Devin Lake.

The first meeting of the working group will be held during the first two weeks of January 2024.

Working Group members will be asked to serve a 1.5 to 2-year term, that will end when all ICIP funded projects are tender-ready. The term may be extended to when the network is completed or beyond.