About Us
Our church community is diverse in our beliefs, educational level, socio-economic status, age, and culture. We celebrate our differences as they contribute to the richness of our community, our worship and our ministry experiences.
Our congregation consists of retired persons and a growing number of young families. Each year a number of Acadia University students make Wolfville Baptist Church their home, bringing their youthful energy and willingness to help and enriching our spiritual community.
International and Community Care
We maintain a solid relationship with churches of other denominations in our area through our work with the Wolfville Area Inter-Church Council including the operation of the Food Bank housed in our building, sharing of special events in the liturgical year, and the sponsorship of refugees.
We have a strong history of commitment to missions both at home and abroad which we support both financially and in person. Over the years we have sponsored refugees from Iraq, Russia, and Syria, and members of the congregation have volunteered for mission projects in Cuba, Kenya, Bolivia, El Salvador, Honduras, and India. Working with St. John’s Anglican Church, Parish of Horton, and the community since the Fall of 2015, we have brought 15 Syrian refugees to Wolfville.
Closer to home and exemplifying our continued commitment to caring for others, we have:
- a visitation program carried out by our Pastor of Congregational Care and other members of the Pastoral Ministry Team as well as members of the congregation (by telephone and in-person visits);
a ministry of song in local seniors’ homes;
four choral scholarships fundraised by our choir who warmly welcome the scholars and other student participants into their musical community;
a ministry to international students;
the prison ministry program to which our congregation gives financially as well as through active participation in Kairos marathons; and
the Open Arms Annapolis Valley street ministry program, to which our congregation responds with gifts of personal items and toiletries, and participation in special events such as the national "Inn from the Cold" walk.