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Town Hall will close today, Friday, February 21, at 2pm. Sorry for any inconvenience.

Committee members needed

committee members needed

Advisory Committees are an important part of local governance. Advisory Committees work on specific mandates, they engage in discussions, information sharing, and they make recommendations to Town Council. This is all done in a formal meeting environment, with a chairperson and Town support staff. All committees work in accordance with the Municipal Government Act.

To make recommendations to Council, Committee members work on behalf of community, to review information, and to build consensus with others who serve on the committee.

Committee members will often be asked to read background agendas in advance of a meeting. These packages contain a meeting agenda as well as the reports, documents and correspondence that will be worked with at the meeting.

Advisory committees meet between four and 12 times a year and meetings can take up to two hours.


The Town of Wolfville welcomes and encourages applications from Black, racialized and Indigenous Peoples, 2SLGBTQ+, newcomers to Canada, and People with Disabilities. If you are a member of a group that has been historically excluded from opportunities, we encourage you to self-identify in your cover letter or resume and to share your pronouns. If you require any accommodation to support submitting your application or navigating the process, please reach out to the Clerk Laura Morrison.

Please also feel welcome to start a conversation about this opportunity at any time.

The application deadline is November 25, 2024.


The primary purpose of the Wolfville Acadia Town and Gown Committee is to develop and enhance relationships, communications and policies among Acadia students, community, residents, police and the Town. This objective will be achieved by addressing issues of common concern such as neighbourhood relations, housing, the environment, economic activities, recreational and cultural events, health and safety issues and academic outreach.

This is a two-year appointment.  The meetings are chaired on alternate years by Acadia and the Town.  Meetings take place quarterly.


The delivery of safe water to consumers is the top priority for Water Utilities. The approach to achieve this in Nova Scotia and in many areas throughout the world is the Multiple-Barrier Approach. This is a series of steps taken by the water supplier which together provide multiple layers of protection to ensure that safe water is delivered to the consumer.

In Nova Scotia the barriers outlined in the Province’s Drinking Water Strategy are as follows:

Keeping it Clean - by ensuring that the water source is protected from contamination

Making it Safe - by providing the required treatment

Proving it Safe - through continuous testing and monitoring

The Town of Wolfville Water Utility (Utility) has a complete program of water treatment, testing and monitoring in full compliance with all regulations that provides a finished product that meets or exceeds the Guidelines for Canadian Drinking Water Quality as published by Health Canada.

To complete the multiple barriers of protection the Utility adopted a Source Water (wellhead) Protection Plan to ensure the source water remains clean.

Guided by the Source Water Protection Plan, the objective of the Source Water Protection Advisory Committee is to provide the Water Utility with advice that will attempt to satisfy the water quality and quantity concerns of all stakeholders; about the sources of contamination in the source water supply area; about the management options available, and about the success of the protection plan.

The vacancy is for a three (3) year term.  The committee meets quarterly. 


The Audit Committee provides advice to Council on all matters relating to audit and finance. Specifically, the committee fulfils the requirements outlined in Section 44 of the Municipal Government Act and they assist council in meeting its responsibilities by ensuring the adequacy and effectiveness of financial reporting, risk management and internal controls.

Committee members are asked to work to build consensus, under the chairperson, completing a number of action items each year including the review of the qualifications, independence, quality of service, performance and fees of the External Auditors. The committee will also recommend the appointment of an auditor to council. The committee, with management, and the external auditor, will review the annual audited financial statements and the internal control management letter received from the auditors and recommend any changes to council, as required.

The committee will review financial policies, internal controls, and risk management, including insurance coverage.

Financial knowledge and understanding of accounting principles is considered an asset for any committee applicants.

Commitment – meets at least 4 times per year, additional meetings may be necessary – Fridays at 9:00am to 11:00am for a 2-year term, starting in December 2024.


The Planning Advisory Committee is responsible for providing clear and complete advice and policy options to Council on issues related to the development, standards, and planning of our town’s spaces, specifically concerning:

  • Land Use Planning

  • Heritage Planning and Preservation

  • Environmental Issues

  • Building Standards

  • Housing Issues

  • Parks, Trails, Playgrounds and Open Space Planning

  • Landscaping and Beautification of Municipal Property; and

  • Any other related matter referred to this Committee by Council or by the Chief Administrative Office

The committee shall meet monthly on Thursdays 4pm-6pm (except in the month of August), or as otherwise required to fulfill the duties as outlined on a two year term vacancy.