If you live in rented accommodations or neighbour a rental property in the Town of Wolfville, we want to hear from you.
To better understand the lived experience of renters in our community, Town staff are looking to interview tenants in the Town of Wolfville, including those living in homes, apartments or in single room occupancies (rooming houses).
The information collected will be used to support the development of policy, regulations and to inform Council. This is a confidential process so names and other identifying information of participants will not be disclosed.
The interview process will be conducted by Town staff and takes approximately one hour.
As part of this engagement process, homeowners neighbouring rental properties are also being interviewed, and local landlord interviews have concluded.
To participate in this process as a renter or homeowner neighbouring a rental property, please contact Lindsay Slade at Lslade@wolfville.ca or (902) 599-0124.
A maximum of 15 renters and homeowners will be selected for interviews.