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Winter parking regulations are now being enforced. Click here for details, including towing company contact info. 

Town starting intentional exploration of equity, diversity and inclusion

Bloom logo and people connected under a rainbow

The Town of Wolfville is starting an intentional exploration of equity, diversity, and inclusion.

This initial exploration will seek to inform Council on the diverse make-up of our community, to establish an understanding of barriers, to determine important events, remembrances, celebrations and acknowledgements and this work will also provide guidance on how we can take actions to increase feelings of inclusion.

Please join this conversation by participating in an online engagement space, or by speaking directly with our project lead, Tanvi Dabas, through the next few months. Community input will be shared with Council to inform our budget process for the 23/24 budget year.

Equity, diversity and inclusion (EDI) is a conceptual approach and framework that brings awareness and opportunities to remove barriers resulting in the fair treatment and full participation of all people, including populations who have historically been under-represented or subject to discrimination because of their background, identity, disability, etc.