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Town Hall will close today, Friday, February 21, at 2pm. Sorry for any inconvenience.

Wolfville Council delivers budget balancing needs, wishes and resources

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After months of work, Wolfville’s Town Council has passed their operating budget totaling $15 million for the fiscal year 2024/25, and a capital investment plan of $5.6 million.  

The approved budget includes a decrease of $0.0095 cents to the residential rate, bringing it to $1.4655 per $100 of assessment. The commercial rate will decrease by $0.0095 cents per $100 of assessment, resulting in a commercial tax rate of $3.5655, a decrease of $0.02 cents in the business development area rate to $0.23, and small decrease in the fire protection area rate of $0.0045, bringing it to $0.0555.

Read the full media release by clicking here.