Budget season has started. To follow along with the budget process, click here to visit Wolfville Blooms.
Living and Studying in Wolfville
Off-Campus Living
Many students choose to live off-campus and Wolfville offers numerous housing options, from shared accommodations to furnished homes and apartments.
With so many different housing options available, students can find housing that fits with their individual needs.
Before signing a residential lease, consider if the location is within walking distance to campus or is it on a bus route?
If you have a car, confirm that legal, designated parking is available. Wolfville does not permit street parking from December through March.
Property Minimum Standards Bylaw, Chapter 46
The purpose of this bylaw is to establish a set of minimum standards for properties in the Town of Wolfville and outline the responsibilities of tenants and property owners.
Some main points to consider:
- Tenants or owners of a building shall maintain the building to standards a provided in this bylaw.
- Tenants or owners shall keep yards free of rubbish and debris.
- Tenants or owners shall ensure any furniture designed and manufactured for indoor use shall not be placed outside a dwelling.
Other sections of bylaw cover, grounds and lawns, walks, steps, driveways and parking areas, storage of waste and resource materials, and standards for buildings.
When moving off-campus, make sure that you are familiar with the by-laws that keep your neighbourhood safe and clean. If you have concerns about the condition of the unit you have rented, about heat, damp, windows that don't shut or other issues, you can reach our compliance staff to request an investigation.
Valley Solid Waste Resource Management
The proper management of waste is a priority in Wolfville. In fact, recyclable and compostable items are banned from disposal throughout Nova Scotia, so recycling and composting is not only good for the environment, but also the law.
The local waste management requires waste be sorted into categories: recyclables, compostable and garbage. If you rent off campus, be sure to talk to your landlord about waste management. Sorting is mandatory, even in apartment buildings.
Garbage must be disposed of in clear transparent bags. One dark/solid colored bag for items of a personal nature is acceptable at each collection. Grocery bags and solid colored kitchen catchers must be emptied into a clear bag. Recycling goes into blue bags. Garbage not sorted properly will be red tagged and left at roadside for removal and resorting for next collection.
Wolfville Waste Collection Schedule
All garbage must be placed at roadside on collection day not before 6:00 a.m. but by 8:00 a.m. to be collected. Garbage missed on collection day must be removed from the roadway by the end of the collection day.
Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety
The Town of Wolfville encourages safe, economical, healthy and fun bicycling by following the rules of the road governed by the Nova Scotia Motor Vehicle Act.
Key points:
Pedestrians are the most vulnerable road users and are given the right of way at all crosswalks.
Pedestrians must walk facing traffic if no sidewalks are provided.
Bicyclists must use bicycle lanes where provided.
Riding a bicycle on a sidewalk or a cross walk is dangerous and illegal.
Bicyclists must dismount and walk a bicycle to cross at a crosswalk.
Designed bicycle paths and trails are a safe alternative to public streets.
Helmets are required by law for all riders in Nova Scotia.
Wolfville Noise Bylaw, Chapter 64
Moving into a residential neighbourhood with neighbours all around requires awareness of both the rights and responsibilities you have as a resident of Wolfville.
The purpose of the Noise Bylaw is to prevent excessive noise in the Town of Wolfville. The Noise By-Law has no specified time for application and can be actioned any time throughout the day based on the circumstances of the noise.
Key points:
No person, in the Town, shall make a noise which disturbs or tends to disturb the peace and tranquility of the Town or any portion of it.
No person, in the Town, shall operate, or cause or permit to be operated any sound system at such a level that the resulting sound is heard, in a dwelling unit or other building, other than the dwelling unit or other building in which the sound system in question is located. No occupier shall allow or permit noise to be made in or on the occupier’s dwelling unit which disturbs the peace and tranquility of the Town.
No person who owns, or has under their supervision, a dog, shall permit the dog to make any noise which disturbs or tends to disturb the peace and tranquility of the town or any portion of it.
Note: In a prosecution for a violation of the bylaw, evidence that one person is disturbed is prima facie evidence that the Town or any portion of it is disturbed.
Good Neighbours Make Great Neighbourhoods
When moving into your new home, make sure to connect with your neighbours to share contact information and build solid relationships. While you have the right to enjoy your property, don’t forget your responsibility when it comes to being a good neighbour.
Social Event and Party Planning
Take these simple steps to ensure that your party is enjoyed by those who attend, while a positive relationship is maintained with your neighbours:
Inform your neighbours that you are planning to have a party and provide a contact name if issues arise.
Be sensitive to the noise tolerance of others. Ask your neighbours to call you if the party gets too loud or becomes a problem.
Designate a team of friends to help you manage your party and ask them to stay sober.
Adopt a drive-safe policy for those who come by car and ensure that sober drivers are designated.
Contact the Compliance Officer or RCMP if you have any questions or concerns about hosting a party, whether it is large or small.
Nuisance party complaint:
Reference: Bylaw 97 – Nuisance Party Bylaw
A nuisance is determined by guest behaviour at a gathering including public intoxication, obstruction of people or vehicles, property damage, outdoor urination or defecation, confrontation, violence, excessive noise, or other items as noted in the by-law.
The host of any gathering or party is ultimately responsible for the behaviour of their guests and if the event causes a nuisance, Enforcement Officers or Police Officers have the authority to investigate and disperse persons.
Warnings or Summary Offence Tickets (SOT) can be issued to the property occupant and party attendees. If the occupant is not the owner, after a second occurrence within a two-year period, the landlord/property owner may be fined in addition to the occupant.
Fines start at $582.50 and reach $1157.50 for a third and subsequent offence.
A complainant statement may be enough to cause a SOT to be issued if the party has concluded by the time law enforcement attends the scene.
Parking in Wolfville
Acadia University provides paid parking on campus for students, staff and faculty. For students who own or drive a vehicle while in Wolfville, there are several key items of information that they should be aware of when parking in the downtown core.
The Town of Wolfville has six (6) all day public parking areas that are designated by signs near the business core of the Town. All other parking is time restricted, designated by signs from 20 minutes to 4 hours. There are 381 public lot spaces and 107 on the street parking that have varying time restrictions. There is no public overnight parking in the Town of Wolfville with the exception of some areas of overnight on-street parking between April 1st until November 30th. Our Parking Commissionaires patrol the public parking areas regularly and will ticket and tow vehicles that are parked illegally.
There is currently a pilot project that is testing the feasibility of year-round, overnight parking in the East End Gateway Lot, across from Willow Park. This is for short-term use, and motorists are not to use it as a permanent parking soloution.
In winter months, the Town implements winter parking regulations. During those months, overnight street parking is prohibited. Speak to your landlord about tenant parking during the winter months. In addition, street parking is not allowed during a storm and for several hours after a storm has ended. This will enable our plows to clear snow from the streets more quickly and efficiently.
While the East End Gateway Lot is available, it will close if plowing around parked cars becomes problematic.