Winter parking regulations are in effect. Click here for details, including towing company contact info.
Opening or Growing a Business
The place, people, and perspective that make business flourish
Our strong sense of community, our modern emphasis on sustainability, and our committed citizenry create an atmosphere conducive to business success.
As a small, university town located in the heart of Nova Scotia’s Fundy Shore region, Acadia University influences our economy, our culture, our environment, and our social fabric. But we’re much more than town and gown.
Our picturesque region also attracts a remarkable number of visitors each year. Attracted by the local artisan food and craft beverage industry that continues to boom, visitors are delighted by our local shops, galleries, festivals, and events. Our downtown streets and shops are busy, year-round.
For those who have put down roots in Wolfville, shopping local is a way of life. Our residents like to walk to stores and services as much as possible. As a hub of activity, there is always a demand for new business in Wolfville.
Wolfville Business Development Corporation
Established in 1980, the Wolfville Business Development Corporation (WBDC) is an independent corporation that represents the interests of Wolfville businesses and business persons. It is funded directly by Wolfville businesses and works in partnership with the Town of Wolfville, Acadia University and business owners. The WBDC promotes Wolfville through marketing initiatives aimed to create a positive profile for the Town and increasing business activity.