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Planning Document Review

The Plan Review process provides the opportunity to open up the Land Use Bylaw and Municipal Planning Strategy to make changes to better reflect the conditions of today. Here you will find a description of the items under the Plan Review work that are related to the Housing Accelerator Fund work.


Future Land Use and Zoning Changes 

Various amendments to the Land Use Bylaw and zoning map/regulations will reduce barriers to the development of needed housing by permitting more housing types as-of-right or by site plan approval. This includes replacing the Low Density Residential (R-1) Restricted zone with a zone that permits more housing types as-of-right.


Parking Study

A Parking Study is underway that may offer recommendations to amend the Town's parking requirements in an effort to reduce the cost burden of minimum parking standards as required in the current Land Use Bylaw.


Rail Corridor Secondary Planning Process

A Secondary Planning Process for the rail corridor lands will enable more development potential on lands within the downtown, while preserving the Harvest Moon trail system.



Expediting housing applications and waiving development fees will also support housing development by fast-tracking the approvals process and increasing certainty for development applications.


Check back for updates as this work continues.