Winter parking regulations are in effect. Click here for details, including towing company contact info.
Financial Assistance
Program participant funding
Some recreational program offered by the Town of Wolfville have participant fees. If you require financial assistance to participate in Wolfville programs, please consider applying for support.
The Mudley Fund
The Mudley Fund provides support to children and youth from the Town of Wolfville to increase participation in sport, recreational, and cultural activities by removing financial barriers.
The Mudley Fund promotes:
Physical Activity
Confidence & Self-Esteem Building
Health & Wellness
Leadership Skills
The Development of Friendships
The Opportunity to be Part of a Team
Canadian Tire Jumpstart
Strong communities include strong kids. We believe all kids should have the chance to run, skate, play, and grow. Canadian Tire Jumpstart® is a community-based charitable program that helps kids aged 4-18 participate in organized sports and recreation such as hockey, dance, soccer and swimming, so they can develop important life skills, self esteem and confidence.
The CANADIAN TIRE JUMPSTART PROGRAM also has a local chapter in Kings County and can assist children and youth under 19 years with up to $300.00 per application for registration costs of any active recreation or sports program. The application must be signed by an individual/ official (see application form) from the community who is aware of the family’s financial need and is willing to verify this on the application form.
The Canadian Tire Jumpstart Program is administered three times per year in mid-April, late June and early October with deadline dates varying slightly each year.