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Town Hall will close today, Friday, February 21, at 2pm. Sorry for any inconvenience.


In Person

Payments can be made in person using cash, cheque or debit at the Wolfville Town Office, 359 Main Street from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm, Monday through Friday. 

Drop-Off Box

If you are unable to make your payment during regular office hours, a secure drop-off slot is located beside our main entrance at 359 Main Street (No cash, please, in the drop-off slot).

By Mail

Please make your cheque or money order payable to Town of Wolfville.  When mailing your payment, please allow sufficient time for the payment to reach our office.  Mail your payment to:

Town of Wolfville
359 Main Street
Wolfville, NS  B4P 1A1

Pay Your Ticket Online

Pay a Parking Ticking online by clicking here.

Paying Provincial Courthouse

If you do not pay Town of Wolfville before the due date, you may have to make your payment to the Provincial Courthouse.  See penalty details on the front of the ticket for payment amount. 

On or after the due date, you may visit the Provincial Courthouse to pay the ticket. 

Failure to pay or make a plea may result in an automatic conviction, where you will be responsible for the fine as outlined on the front of your original ticket.  For payment arrangements or any further questions, contact the Provincial Courthouse at 902-679-6070. 

If you do not pay this penalty by the court date or do not appear in court as directed by the Summons, the Justice will enter a conviction in your absence resulting in a fine. The Registrar of Motor Vehicles may not allow you to renew your license or vehicle permit until the fine is paid. A fee in addition to the fine may be applied by the Registrar of Motor Vehicles