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Billing and Payment Options


E-Billing: The Town of Wolfville is now offering residents the opportunity to receive their utility and/or tax bills electronically.  The e-bill will look the same as your current paper bill. To learn more, click here!

By Mail: Please make your cheque or money order payable to Town of Wolfville.  When mailing your payment, please allow sufficient time for the payment to reach our office by the due date to avoid late charges.  Postdated cheques are accepted.  Mail your payment to:

Town of Wolfville
359 Main Street
Wolfville, NS  B4P 1A1 

In Person: Payments can be made in person using cash, cheque or debit at the Wolfville Town Office, 359 Main Street from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm, Monday through Friday. 

Drop-off Slot:  If you are unable to make your payment during regular office hours, a secure drop-off slot is located beside our main entrance (No cash, please, in the drop-off slot).

Credit Card via Plastiq:  The Town of Wolfville has partnered with 'Plastiq' to bring you the convenience of paying by credit card.  Plastiq is a third-party automated payment service that accepts Visa and MasterCard.  Customers using this bill payment option will be charged by Plastiq a convenience fee of 2.9%.  Making payments through Plastiq is simple - simply follow either of the links below to create a new user account with Plastiq; add Town of Wolfville as  Payee and make a payment using your credit card.

Property Taxes

Water & Sewer

Online/Telephone Banking: Each financial institution offers their own service and method of registration.  When adding the Town as a new payee, type in the one word "wolfville", this will bring up the Wolfville Taxes and Utility account options. The account number to use for taxes is the 8-digit assessment number on your tax bill.   For your utility bill it is the 8-digit account number located on the top left of your utility bill (do not include the decimal). IN ORDER TO AVOID LATE CHARGES, PLEASE ALLOW 5 BUSINESS DAYS FOR ONLINE OR TELEPHONE BANKING TRANSACTIONS.

Pre-Authorized Payments Program:

Pre-Authorized Payment Form

Pre-Authorized Payment Cancellation Form

As a budgetary tool, the Town of Wolfville offer the option of paying your tax or water bills directly from your bank account by enrolling in our Pre-Authorized Payment Program.  Any balance owing past due date will be subject to interest charges.  We offer two payment options for taxes and one for utility payments

Tax Payments

Full Amount: This program allows the full amount to be debited from your bank account on the due date of the bill.  The first interim tax bill would be debited the end of May.  The second and final bill would be debited the end of September.

Monthly Amount: This program allows monthly payments to be debited from your bank account either on the first business day of the month or the 15th of the month.

Utility Payments

Full Amount: The full amount of the utility bill will be debited from your bank account on the due date of the bill.

To change your banking information, please complete a new enrollment form at least thirty (30) calendar days prior to your next payment.

If you wish to cancel your pre-authorized payments and or if you sell your property we require notice of cancellation in writing fifteen (15) calendar days prior to the next scheduled payment. Tax payments may not be eligible for return after the closing date.  You can email

Once you begin the pre-authorized payment program, it will automatically continue unless you contact the Town of Wolfville with a written request for cancellation.

It is important that all tax payers on Pre-Authorized Payment Plan, examine their tax bill for outstanding balances.  It is the responsibility of the taxpayer to ensure their tax account remains current.  Interest will be charged on outstanding balances as applicable. 

To apply for pre-authorized payment program return the completed application along with a voided cheque at least fifteen (15) calendar days before the first withdrawal as stated on the enrollment form.