Town Hall will close today, Friday, February 21, at 2pm. Sorry for any inconvenience.
Please note: Before submitting payment via one the options listed below, ensure that
- Planning Department has received the application and provided a file number and;
- Confirmed the total amount due.
By Mail: Please make your cheque or money order is payable to Town of Wolfville. Please indicate on the cheque the permit number. Mail your payment to:
Town of Wolfville
359 Main Street
Wolfville, NS B4P 1A1
In Person: Payments can be made in person using cash, cheque or debit at the Wolfville Town Office, 359 Main Street from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm, Monday through Friday.
Drop-off Slot: If you are unable to make your payment during regular office hours, a secure drop-off slot is located beside our main entrance (No cash, please, in the drop-off slot).
Credit Card via Plastiq: The Town of Wolfville has partnered with 'Plastiq' to bring you the convenience of paying by credit card. The following permits can be paid with credit card.
- Building & Development Permit
- Sidewalk Café Permit
- Vendor Permit
Plastiq is a third-party automated payment service that accepts Visa and MasterCard. Customers using this bill payment option will be charged by Plastiq a convenience fee of 2.9%. Making payments through Plastiq is simple - simply follow the link below, enter your email address, create a new user account with Plastiq; add Town of Wolfville as Payee and make a payment using your credit card.