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A road closure on Main Street from Gaspereau to Elm happens on Friday, July 26 from 5 - 10:30pm. Detours will be in place. A fireworks show is planned at Wolfville Waterfront Park at 10pm on Saturday, July 27. The show will last for a few minutes. 

Wendy Donovan


I was born in Moncton, grew up and spent most of my life in Ontario. For reasons that seem almost magical, I always wanted to live in Nova Scotia.

In 2003 we brought Madeleine to Acadia and decided then that we had found home. The next year we purchased a property where Madeleine lived until she finished her undergraduate years and the day she graduated our renovation started. In 2007 we moved ourselves and our business to Wolfville.

Following two terms as a councillor (2012-2020) I was elected Mayor in the 2020 election. During my time as councillor I served on a variety of committees – Kings Transit, Valley REN, WBDC, RCMP Advisory, Planning and Audit Committees and chaired the Core Housing Task Force, and one and a half terms as Deputy Mayor. As Mayor I now also serve on Valley Waste Management Board and Town & Gown, the Police Review Committee, and look forward to serving on our new Intermunicipal Service Board that will take a true regional approach to transit, waste management, economic development and potentially so much more.

Prior to Council my work life focused on the world of municipal recreation, first as a municipal recreation staff in several Ontario municipalities including working with diverse communities in a community development role in the (former) City of North York, and then as the municipal recreation planner for the City of Burlington ON. That final municipal role led me to jump to the private sector as a recreation planning consultant and ultimately, with my husband Jim, to establishing dmA Planning & Management Services – a recreation and library planning firm that worked across Canada. A move to Wolfville in 2007 was a great decision both for our planning work and lifestyle. Our home in the Town’s core introduced us to the joys and issues of near-university living, which led me to a connection with former Mayor Stead, and the rest is history.

My first two years as Mayor have been interesting to say the least. As everyone else I have had to figure out how to do what I do in the middle of a pandemic. Some of the most enjoyable parts of being on council – the community connections – have been curtailed. But the real work of Council – the planning and directions for the kind of community we want to be – well those go on, and there are so many things we can do to make us the sustainable, welcoming, successful Town we can be.

When I am not focusing on the Town I like to garden, and I love dogs. Last year we said a sad goodbye to our wonderful Labradoodle Tommy and shortly we will welcome a new member to our family – Sagan – another beautiful Australian Labradoodle. In 2021 Jim and I became proud owners of E-Bikes and are looking forward to using them more – once the early puppy stage is behind us. Between us we have five children – two of mine and three of his and four lovely grandchildren and another on the way. I am a member and past president of Mud Creek Rotary and so proud of the things the Club has contributed to our area.

My wish for our Town is that it continues to work toward its potential. I am a strong believer in managed growth – that process that welcomes growth but retains those things that our current residents and businesses hold dear. Along with Acadia and our regional partners, our gentle climate and diverse community I believe Wolfville can be an engine of success in our Province. We have so much to offer. I feel blessed to be your Mayor in this time of change and opportunity.